Friday, July 3, 2009

"These are a few of my favorite things"

Here is one of my favorite things:
When you have something you care about very much and thoroughly enjoy and other people mock you for this passion, even though they have never seen the object of your passion. Then when they finally see it, they understand it and have to "eat their hat" so to speak.

This happened to me this holiday weekend when my supervisor finally saw the film Twilight. I am quite passionate about Twilight, not for it's superior film adaptation (taste the sarcasm in that statement) or Stephenie Meyer's literary prowess (that has a hint of sarcasm in it too...I am using it in all my recipes today). I love it because it was given to me by someone who was very important in my life at another time in my life during one of the hardest things that ever happened to me. It's story made me feel better, whether it was because I believed in love again or because I didn't have to think to hard to follow it the world may never know-but nevertheless, it has become part of who I am and I care about it very much.

This supervisor mocked me mercilessly for the craze I had in November with the release of the movie, and looking back on it, some of it was over the top, but my supervisor did all of this without having read the book or seeing the film.

But now that my supervisor has seen it, my supervisor loves it. And I am laughing my head off at one of my favorite things.

NOTE: This note was written while listening to Judy Garland serenade me from iTunes. That post is coming. First I have to finish all the movies I rented!

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